Sunday, 18 July 2010


I am a collector of stories, listening actively, intensily, collecting rich gems in my story bag.

I am a collector of stories, absorbing the wisdom of the written word, surrounding myself with pages and pages, woven together in endless spirals of imagination.

I am a collector of stories, finding inspiration in the awe inspiring creations of others.

I am a colllector of stories, capturing moments through a lense, moments which encapsulate more than the brightest, shining word can convey.

I am a collector of stories,observing the communities around me mindfully.

I am a collector of stories, finding such beauty in the ordinary, finding nourishment in the detail.

I am a collector of stories, respecting my elders, tapping into ancient wisdom,still crackling with intensity, with spirit.

I am a collector of stories, a part of epic natural cycles, of the goddess web of life.

I am a collector of stories, hearing my heart beat out its own mysteries.

I am a collector of stories, I am becoming a storyteller.


Barb said...

A poem that tells me you are a listener, a watcher - a person who appreciates others as well as herself.

Lis said...

you ARE a story teller dear one ... and an artist sharing her big, beautiful heart with all of us!

so good to see you back - love this!

xo Lis