The summer hols! Time to slow down a little and find the odd moment to relax.

Art Journal Love Letters. I have read so many wonderful reviews of this course that I simply couldn’t resist this either. It promises such inspiration as well as looking at art journaling techniques. I really do like the idea of making my journaling more creative, linking my everyday life to the art I produce. Looks like I will be enjoying a very creative summer indeed! I am an e -course addict and most proud of the fact :) My life has become so much richer through participating in such projects, not only is my creativity blossoming but so is my self belief.

The August Break Lovely Susannah Conway has created an August photography project. The Idea is to let photographs do the talking on the blogs of anyone who wishes to join her in for the month of August. A photo a day, using a camera of choice, no theme, no restriction, just simply recording life mindfully. Sounds wonderful doesn’t it?
Artful Blogging. This blogging magazine is absolutely gorgeous. I am drinking in the beautiful photography, inspiring stories and amazingly creative ideas. I bought mine from
I am hoping my printer is up to the challenge of creating all these wonderful resources:)