Who am I?
I am a creative explorer, a magpie collecting sparkling tools for her nest.
I am an observer, noting detail, seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary.
I am a teacher, infusing others with spirit and knowledge.
I am a warm hearted giver, sharing my heart and soul without limits.
I am a peace seeker, welcoming calm and forgiveness into the fibres of my being.
I am a listener, soaking up stories deep within.
I am an energy discoverer, glowing, singing, dancing with the wind.
I am a questioner, always hungry to learn and understand.
I am a writer, pouring out words to make sense of my world.
I am a truth speaker, unearthing my voice, giving it light.
I am a supporter, I am roots, I am a rock.
I am a nature lover, fiercely protective, a part of an awe inspiring web.
I am a business adventurer, offering a unique service to the world.
I am a nourisher, my ingredients rich and seasoned with love.
I am a labourer, putting every ounce of my being into this lifetime.
I am a work in progress.
I am this life.
The last sentence links in with a piece of art I created at the weekend. I explored what I imagine my inner sage/wise woman would look :
Hello Milena, What a wonderful offering to us today! Your art and positive statements are so uplifting and energizing. Thank you for taking us along on your Life quest.
I love this poem of you ...
a magpie collecting sparkling tools; warm hearted giver; energy discoverer; truth seeker; nourisher ... oh my YES Milena all that and so much more!
I see you standing in your Light and being a Light for all who are blessed to know you and be inspired by you.
Really divine stuff here my goddess friend. Really really yummy truthfulness and love. wow.
And what an important task: to re-write our stories, celebrate our strengths and be in charge of our happiness, our contentment.
Can you feel the giant-normous hug I am sending you? You've really lifted me up this evening.
xo Lis
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