As I sat drinking a soothing cup of tea I began to doodle, once finished the Noel Coward quote immediately sprung to mind; my sentiment exactly!
Just a quick post to blog this simple watercolour as I'm quite proud of it; I do believe it captures the spirit of my lovely pusses perfectly.
This is my final piece of artwork for the mind/body/spirit course 'Radiant Goddess' created by the lovely goddesses Leonie and Sone. The last three weeks have been a rollercoaster ride of new experiences, leaving me feeling so much more alive, both inside and out. With a mixture of a raw food approach to eating, making movement fun and nourishing the spirit through creativity, this course has been amazing and I am very sorry indeed that today is the last day. I have learned so many tools to keep in my medicine bag so that I may continue my radiance :) If you want to find out more just click on the Goddess Guidebook link on the left of this post.